Our hearts at rest, our minds perfectly at rest
this timeless disappearing of every moment
of selfhood in the mirror at the edge of time
& we stood there all of us as if remembering
the surfaces of history and the foretelling of
forgetfulness – now let us slowly fall asleep
under moonrise so soon upon us, upon us all
sailing in a beautiful mist; & I wrote it down
in my heart and in my mind I wrote it down

Amazon Kindle Publication
by Roger Echo-Hawk

This collection of tales weaves together the gatherings of the Grey Havens Group of Colorado and JRR Tolkien’s Middle-earth legendarium. Drawing on memoir and history, The Other Side of Elsewhere chronicles some of the dreamlike mysteries of our humanity. Here we glimpse the twilight boundaries of myth.

Racial Identity at the End of the Age of RaceAvailable from Amazon:
The Magic Children, trade paperback
Available from the publisher:
The Magic Children, Left Coast Press